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Acid reflux is a rough experience that causes anger and disappointment. In many cases, the symptoms can be taken care of with antacids like the ones you see on commercials all the time, or it can even be maintained with the help of doctor prescribed medications. For some people, these options are not ideal as most products that offer acid reflux relief have ingredients that aren't natural and aren't always needed.
So they prefer Home Remedies. When food enters the stomach, it passes through the esophageal sphincter. The esophageal sphincter closes, allowing for digestion to take place. Sometimes, certain foods and situations can cause the esophageal sphincter to weaken or pressure pushes it open. When this occurs, the contents of the stomach or stomach juices are able to rise back up through the esophageal sphincter. These are the true causes of reflux.
Information about Acid Reflux:
It occurs when the contents of the stomach or stomach juices rise back up through the lower esophageal sphincter. This causes an irritation that feels like a burning sensation. Since the heart is in close proximity, It is commonly called heartburn. When considering the Home Remedies for Acid Reflux there are many steps that the suffering individual can take. Some of those steps include refraining from acidic foods, elevating the upper part of the body when sleeping and the use of medications.
Home Remedies for Acid Reflux: Shrink the Throbbing and Uneasiness
The first step in Home Remedies is to try a few lifestyle changes. These changes may not be as difficult as you think. The first change to make is a change in the way you eat. Home Remedies suggests that eating smaller meals four or five times a day is much better than eating three larger meals which is the traditional way of eating. This has more benefits than just helping to control symptoms. When you eat smaller meals your body doesn't have to work as hard to digest the meal. It is more likely the body will digest all of a smaller meal. With a larger meal, the part that is not digested could turn to fat.
Next step in Home Remedies for Acid Reflux should be avoiding cakes that have creamy frostings and ice cream. Brownies and doughnuts are foods to avoid for those with acid reflux. People can substitute some kinds of frozen yogurt for the ice cream. Milkshakes, cottage cheese and sour cream are dairy products that should be added to the foods to avoid. Macaroni with cheese and pastas with rich sauces are definitely on the list of foods to avoid. Creamy salad dressings should not be consumed by those who have symptoms of acid reflux.
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