Sunday, January 3, 2010

The main ingredients of great Italian cuisine

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Pasta, pesto, Parmesan cheese, Parmesan - all great ingredients of Italian cuisine. It all start with 'P'. It is appropriate, given that Italian cuisine is derived, with all its demands, a strong rural tradition. This is not to weaken it, quite the contrary. Italian cuisine is the colorful, fragrant ingredients that have operated in Italy for centuries. Attractive to children and adults, one of the great traditions of Italian cooking food in the world, this is really breakingtheir national boundaries and conquered the world - a bit 'as the Roman centurion, has two and a half millennia ago.

But despite its rich volcanic soil and rich imperial past, the tradition of Italian cuisine, which we all know and love was not the rich North, but from the poor, arid south. While all that grow in the valleys of Tuscany, it proved too expensive to grow potatoes in Naples and the rest of South Italy. But growing corn Hardy was pretty easy.The result? Pasta and pizza.

If you want to get into Italian cuisine in grand style, you must have the parentheses. And one of the good things of Italian cooking is that the basic ingredients are readily accessible and easy to store. Here is a brief summary look at some of the basic ingredients of Italian culinary tradition:


This is almost everywhere in Italian cuisine. You need to keep them in a cool, dry place, but should not be refrigerated.Garlic goes moldy quickly in wet conditions. If you buy the garlic, onion research that are free from the dark, grainy discolouration at the bottom. This is a sign of old age and the fact that it is infested by mold.

Tomato sauce

Keep it simple tomato sauce. It is always better, do not forget the fresh ingredients - use that Italian cuisine is like a good wine: you want to enjoy the sun. If you buy a ready-made sauce of tomatoes in a can, it is not necessaryenter into a costly. It's a simple recipe that is worth double for a premium brand. Nor should you buy a ready-made sauce of tomato with a lot of extra herbs. You can also add that at least some control over the flavor of the finished dish.


This is an absolute meaning. If you have a family, pasta is always a winner infallible. And 'quick to prepare, easy to vary the final dish and children love it. Although fresh pastaThree times more expensive than the dried varieties to buy Italian pasta, unless its Grand mamas do it from scratch - something that happens less frequently. Dry spaghetti, macaroni, Penna, shells or lasagna is easy to store for a long time, so you can keep enough in stock.


This is simply a duty. You can add as a garnish not the pasta, no matter what the recipe. Avoid pre-packaged grated Parmesan cheese and continue throughout the piece:Grid directly on top of pasta is part of the ritual of Italian cuisine.


I really do not need expensive extra-virgin olive oil to go. While extra-virgin olive oil is great for making salad dressings, is not so good when it is heated. You get a strong taste burnt easily. For the preparation of sauces and frying fresh meat or poultry, go for an olive oil standard that tastes like yellow, despite his best when heated, and yetcontains all the goodness of its more sophisticated cousin. Oh, and there is less than half the price.

Italian cuisine is recognized as one of the easiest in the world and celebrates the culinary traditions. The ingredients are easy to order, easy to store and eat a bit ', especially - in large quantities. And as long as you keep salads and fresh vegetables in your recipes is one of the healthiest diets in the world.

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