Monday, February 1, 2010

Church Ladies, God bless them all

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I am a sincere admirer of the ladies church. These are the ladies who are the backbone of the community and surrounding churches. The ladies are available in all sizes, cuts, and they do well, wherever they are. To clean the altars, make certain investments of the church are clean, but make sure that churches have flowers and are furnished with the seasons. They are the volunteers who staff the offices of the church. Church members are enteringearly to take account of younger children who remain in the church nursery while their parents attend services. Is women who teach Sunday School. Are the ladies who visit the sick. Are the ladies who raise money in different ways, so that the churches of their various projects. And how do they do? Now run the carnival and craft shows and various other things. But for me, is what I love most that money through the publication of cookbooks

I love thisCookbook, and I have many of them are in different cities across the United States and Canada. Often when I have a recipe that I brought this book before I had the range of books, which (the guru of the kitchen world, I do not name here, but we all know who they are). I reach for cookbooks of the lord of the church ', because I know that the recipes I think that will be familiar, easy to prepare, easy to find ingredients. These recipes are tested time and the family. TheyI will not be around in the desert have pine nuts, or try to make a goat, a call for a prescription to oblige. They do not require the tofu.

One of the things I pointed out that these cookbooks usually have the same basic recipe, with slight variations depending on the region in which they were published. For example, the recipes use from the southern United States found that more sugar the same recipes in cookbooks of the North. The prescriptions of the Southwest tend to haveto find such a recipe, as in other regions, but tend to be spicy.

All these books have recipes for macaroni and cheese, chicken soup, roast chicken, apple pie and Jell-O salads, and all those other old favorites that have been brought about. In one of the books that I have is a recipe called "Mystery Salad". And it is aptly named and is printed below for your pleasure and amazement. Often, these books will be called recipes, for example, "Aunt LouiseGrilled green beans "or" Mom's Best Bubble Bread. "

By the way, if you read these books, which are what these women can not be enthusiastic about Jell-O. Reading these recipes can be one of the most fun has never been on a cold winter day, when your car stuck in snow, and you're doing to find something good to read (I love it) to read cookbooks. Or are you looking for something fun and easy to cook.

None of the women asked him to write these books and helpher recipes seem to care a fig about calories, but many of them to show their thrifty bent, will replace margarine for butter in their formulation. I welcome the decision regarding the amount of calories (for the most part, we are too involved in this). I prefer to make the food that the French food: what you will, heart and eat well and take a walk or two during the day or evening, so you like, without regrets. But I think everything is better with butter, and so if youone of these books, you use butter, and find another way to save a bit 'of money.

When I cook a recipe from cookbooks of the ladies of the church, I feel a kinship with them that I never heard that if I use a cookbook by Ina or Martha or Rachel or any of the other cookbooks by chefs who have written too. Not that I am not the fine chefs cookbooks, why should I do if I have time to prepare and desire, their dishes complicated. But if I only want the good oldHome cooking like my mother, I turn to cookbooks, the ladies of the church 'every time. Often these books have the participant's name printed on their recipes and I like to imagine that I cook the same recipe that Betty or Tammy or Barbara (or who) might be cooking at the moment is.

And so I'm happy to be able to accommodate these women, in cataloging the recipes, was, and still the cornerstone of daily meals of average families. And IWe want to encourage people to seek these cookbooks of memory when you buy contribute to good works tirelessly and sung by the ladies doing church.

The following recipes may in Crestwood United Methodist Church (Crestwood, Kentucky published) cookery book with the title OUR BEST HOME COOKING by the ladies of the church in 1996 will be.


1 (3 oz) pkg. Raspberry Jell-O

¾ cup hot water

1 (16 ounce) can stewed tomatoes

2or 3 drops of Tabasco sauce


4 oz sour cream

4 oz Mayonnaise

2 tsp. Horseradish


Dissolve Jell-O in hot water. Stir in tomatoes, which were dissolved. Pour into a mold and refrigerate until firm. Mix coating ingredients and spread over Jell-O to serve.



3 beaten eggs

3 tbsp. Cornstarch

3 tbsp. Sugar

2 cups corn (1 can of cream style is best)

1tsp. Sale

2 cups milk

Melted butter or margarine


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix cornstarch, sugar and salt. In maize. Stir in beaten eggs and melted butter. Mix well and put in buttered casserole. Bake for 1 hour or until set at 350 degrees. Do not be too long.



1 stick margarine

30 large marshmallows

4 cups cornflakes

Green food coloring and a bag of RedHots


Melt margarine and marshmallows in double boiler. When it merged with 3 drops of green color in corn flakes and stir over low heat, then a spoonful on a cookie sheet in Holly forms. Immediately sprinkle with Red Hots. Let cool until characterized.

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